Daisy Chain Destiny Travel System Dolls Pram in Rainbow Pink for ages 5-9 Year Olds – Model Shot (4)

Daisy Chain Destiny Travel System Dolls Pram in Rainbow Hearts fabric ages 5-9. Shown side on with handle on the left. Hood is up and is panelled in three sections. The first panel is white with different coloured hearts. They are Pink, Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Purple and Orange. The second Panel is Navy Blue with a Flower Rosette attached. It has purple petals and a green centre. The embroidered Daisy Chain logo is also visible in white. The third panel reverts to the rainbow hearts fabric. The metal part of the hood which divides the panels is navy blue. Wheels are black and Purple with a shopping basket at bottom of pushchair which is metal and navy blue to match the frame. The frame of the pushchair is Navy Blue with purple accents. Girl with her hair in a pony tail is standing behind the pram in a blue dress and white sandals.