A glimpse of motherhood in
56 countries & cultures

Mums Of The World

In June 2017, we commissioned, through platforms including Upwork, People Per Hour and Fiverr, individuals from 56 different countries and cultures to share a picture of 'mum' and to provide a description as to her role in the family and day to day life. 

A picture is worth a thousand words and we wanted to give a glimpse of motherhood around the world, telling the stories of mums from different countries side by side to show that, despite cultural differences, social and economic inequalities and even episodes of conflict, the mother figure in every single one of our families is nothing short of a hero!

We were sent pictures of mums from those in six of the world's seven continents, everywhere from an upmarket suburb of Birmingham, England through to the conflict-zone that is The Gaza Strip. Daily life may not be the same for these 56 women but their love and dedication to their families is indistinguishable.

Be sure to click each picture to learn a little more about the mum and the culture...

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